Getting Close

Animation kickoff looms near. The new environments are finalizing, old environments and assets are being updated to bring them more into line with the proper art style. The bones of an ancient battle have been added to the first environment to lend some history to area, and new buildings have been made to expand the area. The bridge has been entirely rebuild in a shift away from neoclassical design towards full Gothic architecture. The first four episodes of the film now exist in the layout stages. I don't anticipate ever showing off my layout because as I am the only one working on this film and I know what I'm going for, my previs is incredibly sloppy and not very interesting to look at. It's more chess pieces moving around the board than proper layout. Of those layouts, episode four exists partially in animation as the pilot covers that story beat somewhat. Now it's time to do a pass on the remaining three episodes and the whole film wi...