In The Beginning...
Welcome to my animation blog. My name is Alex Keller. I'm a animator working in TV and film VFX for quite some time now. Several years ago I came up with a idea that I hoped to turn into a film. It's gone through a half dozen variations since then, but at the end of the summer of 2018 I was finally able to craft a solid story and had enough money saved up to invest in some actual equipment. With those things in hand, I began preproduction on what I hope to be a fully realized short film. From the beginning I had an idea that during this production, which I anticipate taking up to several years, I would have a blog running alongside it to track every single thing I do to get this film off the ground. I want to showcase all of the challenges I may face and landmarks I will hit, and I hope it will prove useful to other artists looking to make their own films, or just generally entertaining at least. Basically, I just want to make a truly comprehensive behind the scenes that chronicles what goes into making an indie animated short film. With that said, thank you for joining me on this journey.