You're A Real Character, pt. 2

This week I did some more revisions to the hair. The look of Kaelis was another one of those things that kinda came to me suddenly. I wanted the character to have short hair, for several reasons. One was that the personality of the character I had in mind wouldn't want to deal with long hair, and the other is that a character with a helmet shouldn't have long hair for practicality purposes. If a character were to take off their helmet only to have long, silky smooth hair underneath, it would be difficult to make it seem sensible without it being overly comical. This was another concept piece drawn by my soon to be wife. It was one of several quick sketches, but this one captured what I envisioned perfectly. With the costume and face locked in, we worked on a few more colored sketches together to lock in the specifics. The design of her face was a combination of features from various Mexican athletes. I also decided to go with red as he...