Laying It All Out

I'm quite thankful I had some time this week to sit down and hammer out the layout for Episode I.  I have daylight savings time to thank for that.  These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of personal events, and in a good way.  Wrap parties, meeting old friends, helping out on old projects, exciting new work, the list goes on.

Oh, and I got engaged!  That's very exciting, if I do say so myself.

The layout for the first episode wasn't too much trouble.  What will be interesting is how it will come together with animation.  A lot of the angles and the timing of the scene overall will come down a lot to how the animation turns out.  Normally I'd rough in the animation, if it were a normal professional project, but since it's just me I can block in the camera to have something to animate to and call it a day.  So the good news is I'm now at the animation stage once again.  I plan on making 2 small props and some stuff first, but I don't anticipate that taking much time at all.  The bad news is the next few weeks are looking even busier for me, as holiday seasons are want to do.  I doubt I'll get a chance to animate in earnest until maybe Christmas break time, but I'll do my best to fit some time in.