Makin' Changes

It's been a while since I last updated.  I've been pounding the pavement, as it were, working on this project as often as time allows.  And as such I've forgotten to update the blog in a couple weeks.  But now I'm back!

So I've been working on two big assets over the past few weeks.  The first is the corpse of an ancient angel.  If that sounds like nonsense it's because it is.  I'll get into it in the future, but basically the monster from the pilot is an angel, and there are more of them, but they are dead for reasons, and we'll see some in Episode I.  Again, I'll make a future post detailing them in more, um, detail.

I finished modeling and painting that asset, but before I went to rig it I got distracted by a new undertaking.  When showing the pilot to people occasionally they would mistake the main character for a man.  And last week I heard that comment once more, and I decided that if that many people weren't able to tell it was a girl with her helmet still on then something needed to be done.  My original intent was to avoid making the character too feminine, because I thought it was more interesting if her design was more stocky and neutral.  However now I think I may have gone too far in that direction.  I also want to avoid a situation where when she does reveal her face it's not like a big "It was a girl the whole time!" twist nonsense thing.  At first I considered doing just some minor shape tweaks, but I've learned so much about, well, everything, since I created her rig a year and a half ago that I decided it was time for a full on remodel.  I'd say I'm now 75% done with her new mesh, and I am quite satisfied with the progress.  I also have a lot of ideas for when it comes time to texture her, and when I'm finished she'll have a considerably higher level of fidelity than her first version.  I can't wait to show you the changes.

That'll be done in a week or two, depending on how much time I have to work on it.  In the mean time, here's a new prop I made.  This is the spear of the ancient angels.  If you look closely you'll notice the creature in the pilot's sword is a broken down version of this spear.

Well, that's all for now.  I shall return.