Third Draft's The Charm
September 18th, 2018 I have completed my third and final draft of the script. After having the environment built, I had some new ideas that changed the way the end of the film played out, and for the better. I decided to scrap the idea of a vehicular chase as it was too hard to set up and felt out of place, and that's also not considering its artistic complexity. It is now a more intimate but hopefully equally thrilling set piece. As for scene 3, that came together nicely. I shifted some things around to create a more cause and effect scene that has greater ramifications for the entire story as opposed to a stand alone scene. And I decided to cut way back on the dialogue. Some of it was meant to provide some exposition and context for the state of the world in the story, but the new scene 3 is now able to convey that without any words. Scene 7 is the only scene with any spoken words, and even then it is lessened to have a greater impact....