You're a Real Character, pt. 1
Now that the first episode is out, it's time to go back to the rigging stage and give the main character her facial controls. That is so far presenting a whole slew of challenges. Pro tip - Unreal does not care for weight painted blend shapes, so make sure each shape is self contained. In the mean time, why not divulge some information about her origins.
Forlorn's main character's name is Kaelis. She's a character I sorta had in concept for a long time, though, like many of my ideas, it existed in a wishy-washy, ethereal state. It wasn't until I decided to make Forlorn that her design and character finally materialized. Her look is one of those things that sorta came to me all at once. I don't remember ever having any kind of iterations with her design. Once I knew the story her costume just kinda popped into my head. I love it when that sort of thing happens, it saves me a lot of trouble. This crappy scribble is the first thing I put down on paper:

As you can tell, it's a terrible drawing. But it contained the essence of what I wanted. My girlfriend was nice enough to want to help, and she took my design and some additional description and created this image:

This is the first true image of Kaelis. It looked exactly like what I had in my head, and her design didn't really change at all from this early stage up to final.
Forlorn's main character's name is Kaelis. She's a character I sorta had in concept for a long time, though, like many of my ideas, it existed in a wishy-washy, ethereal state. It wasn't until I decided to make Forlorn that her design and character finally materialized. Her look is one of those things that sorta came to me all at once. I don't remember ever having any kind of iterations with her design. Once I knew the story her costume just kinda popped into my head. I love it when that sort of thing happens, it saves me a lot of trouble. This crappy scribble is the first thing I put down on paper:

As you can tell, it's a terrible drawing. But it contained the essence of what I wanted. My girlfriend was nice enough to want to help, and she took my design and some additional description and created this image:

This is the first true image of Kaelis. It looked exactly like what I had in my head, and her design didn't really change at all from this early stage up to final.